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Hvordan får du en hele spektret af forvrængning toner? Du kan bruge en formue på individuelle stompboxes (og har en pedalboard størrelsen af Delaware) eller du kan sætte vores X-Series DF-7 forvrængning fabrik til arbejde.
Produkt Ref: 11086
You not only get DigiTech quality models like the Ibanez® TS-9 Tube Screamer®*, EH® Big Muff� p*, Pro Co Rat�*, Metal Zone®* and DOD® Overdrive/Preamp 250, you also get a ton of EQ control. Thats because the DF-7 features three dual concentric tone controls so you can customize each model with High, Mid, Midrange and Low semi-parametric EQ. If you
re a distortion freak (and who isn`t?), check out the new X-Series� DF-7 at your DigiTech dealer today.
DigiTech FD7 Distortion Factory Features
� Seven classic distortion stompbox models
� Flexible Output Mode��stereo outputs for larger than life distortion
� Amp and CIT� mixer outputs
� Level/Low, Mid-Frequency/Mid, Gain/High, and model controls
� Rugged cast-metal chassis
� Unique carbon-fiber look
� Non-skid rubber base
Distortion & Cabinet Models:
Ibanez® TS-9*
Fender® 1965 Deleuxe Reverb 1x12
DOD® Overdrive/Preamp 250
Marshall®* 4x12
Boss® DS-1�*
Johnson® 4x12
Pro Co Rat�*
Fender® Bassman®* 2x12
Boss® Metal Zone®*
Johnson® 4x12
DigiTech® Metal Master�
VHT®* 4x12
EH® Big Muff®
Marshall® 4x12 with 25-watt Celestion®